Ja e så slut i huvu att ja int orkar rulla på engelska så de får bli ett svenskt pousti iställe. Har int orka sitta vi datan mer än en halv timme per da för att få min mer än behövda (?) dos av facebook under min sjukvecka. Ha vari ti läkaren för mycket och blivit störd på läkare mer än mycke sen förra onsdan. E sjukt ledsen för perioden tar snart slut å sen ska ja ti gymi. Sku hellre vila gå i borgå å få stressa av mig med jannikes uppiggande uppgifter. Nyheter för min sjuktid: jag har blivit student!! e så jävla stolt att de e sjukt, int stressa ja ens ihjäl mig me läsningen på sommaren (ja börja 2veckor före skrivningarna) men ja klara de. and what does this tell us? JO: alla gymielever som säger hu hemskt de e, så de e egentligen int så paha. om ja efter att ha läst endast 10 kurser ändå lyckas bli student så tycker ja de e otroligt onödigt att gymielever stressar ihjäl sig å e så oroliga över att dom int ska klara de. Ni klarar er bättre än bra i vilket fall som helst.
Fast ja int ha jobba på datan på någå skoluppgifter så ha ja ändå int bara slösa min lediga vecka. ja ha rita en massa julkort me skit humor, vissa skämt tagna från nettin medan andra bara e min egen råa humor. Och min nokia kampanj, om hur connecting people egentligen står för oss människor som lär känna varann i kön för nokias asiakaspalvelu. deras telefoner seppar alltid!
torstai 25. marraskuuta 2010
keskiviikko 17. marraskuuta 2010
Not really good at posting somthing every day. woops.
tuesdays assignment:
12. a photo of you day
And today's; 13. a photo of your best friend(s) day

I dont have any best friends cus that would mean that i sorted them into groups. All my friends mean alot to me, and if they dont then i dont consider them friends. Then i call them..people? nah that sounds mean..sorry. Here are a few pics of people that have made a change in my life and who i trust. (and have made me a better person...AHAHA not) :D

When these people smile, I smile.
tuesdays assignment:
12. a photo of you day
And today's; 13. a photo of your best friend(s) day
I dont have any best friends cus that would mean that i sorted them into groups. All my friends mean alot to me, and if they dont then i dont consider them friends. Then i call them..people? nah that sounds mean..sorry. Here are a few pics of people that have made a change in my life and who i trust. (and have made me a better person...AHAHA not) :D
When these people smile, I smile.
maanantai 15. marraskuuta 2010
Thinking ahead
Every year when you graduate from school, you dress up and ride along on a truck throwing candy at the kids running around on the streets. I figured id like to be wearing somethin special that no one else even had a chance of getting, so im having my costume shipped over all the way from the us.
Had some trouble trying to pick just ONE costume but im pretty sure i know which one im gonna get! Here are some that i sadly gave up;
Had some trouble trying to pick just ONE costume but im pretty sure i know which one im gonna get! Here are some that i sadly gave up;
The top one, queen of hearts was my first crush. At the price around 150€ i figured it was a longshot.. I neither have the body, nor the courage for the lady gaga suit but god damnit it would be cool. Even though i dont enjoy her music as much as most ppl, but it would still be nice!
sunnuntai 14. marraskuuta 2010
My girls.
Friday i had my girls over for dinner and although everyone couldnt make it to the bar, i enjoyed even spending only a few hours with them. I still dont understand how the same thing happens in every relationship. If the guy doesnt know your friends, and is older .. he doesnt seem to care. Ofcourse he will say hello, he'll be at the same party as them - but he wont make an effort. While the girl always tries to win the respect of His friends. So thats where i am, i see his friends as my closest friends even tho they're "His" friends, but where do you draw the line? A girl needs her girls to survive.
I missed a few days of photographic memory day, so here's friday,saturday and todays pics;
8. a photo of your favourite band/musician day

This isnt a great pic, but its my own. I remember the cold shrills running down my back when i heard the words to Inside the fire while running through the festival trying to find the right stage.

A better pic of them, cant see myself getting tired of their music Ever..
9. a photo of your family day

My mom and dad, cant find any picture of my sisters, but im adopted so its ok!
10. a photo of you as a baby day
No pics, nothing whatsoever on this computer. I was born big and tall!
I missed a few days of photographic memory day, so here's friday,saturday and todays pics;
8. a photo of your favourite band/musician day

This isnt a great pic, but its my own. I remember the cold shrills running down my back when i heard the words to Inside the fire while running through the festival trying to find the right stage.

A better pic of them, cant see myself getting tired of their music Ever..
9. a photo of your family day
My mom and dad, cant find any picture of my sisters, but im adopted so its ok!
No pics, nothing whatsoever on this computer. I was born big and tall!
torstai 11. marraskuuta 2010
7. a photo of someone you love day
This is my hubby. the one with the pink tie. Ive known him since 2007 and he's been mine for more than two years now. I love him to bits and i cant see myself living my life with anyone else but him. He completes me.
keskiviikko 10. marraskuuta 2010
Happy memories
6. a photo that makes you laugh day

Haha:D this is my honey as a monster, he can actually be funny sometimes!
Haha:D this is my honey as a monster, he can actually be funny sometimes!
Yesterday i was really busy so i forgot to do my assignment, damn. Antti got his first tattoo, a tiger climbing up his chest. It turned out really-really honestly Really good, so he spent the day at our apartment shirt-less. This was the first time i woke him up that he wasnt wearing all his clothes, shocking. And as boring as we are, we had a home-made-pizza-night and watched a movie that was obviously so bad i cant even remember the name of it right now.. But the pizzas turned out great and the boys had the leftovers as breakfast today, yuck.
5. a photo of you day This was for yesterday. I actually dont own many pictures of myself since im always behind the camera and not infront of it..But the few i ruin, are good memories. This picture was taken at the last party in Kitty Osheas, and again, my hair is a different colour. The guy behind me with the thumb up is the doorman who was alot shorter than me :D
5. a photo of you day This was for yesterday. I actually dont own many pictures of myself since im always behind the camera and not infront of it..But the few i ruin, are good memories. This picture was taken at the last party in Kitty Osheas, and again, my hair is a different colour. The guy behind me with the thumb up is the doorman who was alot shorter than me :D
maanantai 8. marraskuuta 2010
Im feeling worn out..the lack of being able to sleep through the morning, is ripping me apart, i cant remember the last time i didnt have work or school. So today after another early morning i went to school but felt really weak, found myself trying to ignore the conversations around me because every little sound was making my headache worse. So i got permission to go home and work instead, but instead i spent hours cleaning and cooking. And now i feel like shit and dont really care about doing any schoolwork. Fuck this shit. I need a holiday out in the sun and faar faaar away from any kind of work :-)
And todays photoassignment; 4. a photo of the last place you went on holiday
This made me think about the fact that i DID have a holiday a few weeks ago! Flew over to Prague with 9 fabulous people, and spent 4 days walking around, eating great food and just enjoyed being a tourist!
And todays photoassignment; 4. a photo of the last place you went on holiday
This made me think about the fact that i DID have a holiday a few weeks ago! Flew over to Prague with 9 fabulous people, and spent 4 days walking around, eating great food and just enjoyed being a tourist!
sunnuntai 7. marraskuuta 2010
Memory lane
3. a photo that makes you happy day
Ive lost contact with a few of these girls, but that doesnt change the fact that i enjoyed their company. Mandi, frida, tiia, lara, linda - rock on! The memories of the "good old days" will always put a smile on my face and live on forever ! Now i sound as if i was having a midlife chrisis talking about the good old days haha !
Ive lost contact with a few of these girls, but that doesnt change the fact that i enjoyed their company. Mandi, frida, tiia, lara, linda - rock on! The memories of the "good old days" will always put a smile on my face and live on forever ! Now i sound as if i was having a midlife chrisis talking about the good old days haha !
lauantai 6. marraskuuta 2010
Since im having some trouble getting this blog started, i figured id give myself an assignment. A task for 30 days to post different pictures. This is the assignment, that i found on someones facebook page;
30 days of photographic memoriesday
1. your facebook profile photo day 2. a photo of yourself a year ago day 3. a photo that makes you happy day 4. a photo of the last place you went on holiday day 5. a photo of you day 6. a photo that makes you laugh day 7. a photo of someone you love day 8. a photo of your favourite band/musician day 9. a photo of your family day 10. a photo of you as a baby day 11. a photo of your favourite film(s) day 12. a photo of you day 13. a photo of your best friend(s) day 14. a photo of one of your favourite family members day 15. a photo of you and someone you love day 16. a photo of you at the last party you went to day 17. a drunk photo of you day 18. a photo of one of your classes day 19. a photo of you on a school trip day 20. a photo of something you enjoy doing day 21. a photo of you standing up day 22. a photo of your town day 23. a photo of your friend as a baby day 24. a photo of you that your hair looks nice in day 25. a photo of a night you loved day 26. a photo of your favorite weekend day 27. a photo of last summer day 28. a photo of what you ate today day 29. a photo of someone you find attractive day 30. a photo of you when you were happy.
Ill skip the first one 'cus my fb profile picture is a picture that ive already posted here - the one of my tattoo. So number 2 comes here:
Feels like this picture was taken aaages ago since im blonde, but the picture was taken last summer at a music festival.
30 days of photographic memoriesday
1. your facebook profile photo day 2. a photo of yourself a year ago day 3. a photo that makes you happy day 4. a photo of the last place you went on holiday day 5. a photo of you day 6. a photo that makes you laugh day 7. a photo of someone you love day 8. a photo of your favourite band/musician day 9. a photo of your family day 10. a photo of you as a baby day 11. a photo of your favourite film(s) day 12. a photo of you day 13. a photo of your best friend(s) day 14. a photo of one of your favourite family members day 15. a photo of you and someone you love day 16. a photo of you at the last party you went to day 17. a drunk photo of you day 18. a photo of one of your classes day 19. a photo of you on a school trip day 20. a photo of something you enjoy doing day 21. a photo of you standing up day 22. a photo of your town day 23. a photo of your friend as a baby day 24. a photo of you that your hair looks nice in day 25. a photo of a night you loved day 26. a photo of your favorite weekend day 27. a photo of last summer day 28. a photo of what you ate today day 29. a photo of someone you find attractive day 30. a photo of you when you were happy.
Ill skip the first one 'cus my fb profile picture is a picture that ive already posted here - the one of my tattoo. So number 2 comes here:
Feels like this picture was taken aaages ago since im blonde, but the picture was taken last summer at a music festival.
maanantai 1. marraskuuta 2010
Home schooled
As im sitting at home, trying to catch up with the pile of assignments i shouldve done during the weekend, i cant help to think how easy it must be to be home schooled. I mean, its killing me, to get off my ass and start painting at home, since i could do it in school. But to already be used to doing everything at home, not feeling the pressure of when to start and the time ticking away, it must feel great. Ofcourse it must be hard to leave home and get a real job and Not being able to go home to do everything as ur used to? Ah whatever.
After getting off work saturday evening, i left for the airport to say goodbye to my big sister. She left for a 4month trip, starting out in dublin, going over to liverpool, flying back to dublin for a while and then heading off to australia. Even tho we dont get along pretty well, i still know im gonna miss her. It will be the first christmas morning that the whole family hasnt gathered at mom and dads house for all the presents.
After getting off work saturday evening, i left for the airport to say goodbye to my big sister. She left for a 4month trip, starting out in dublin, going over to liverpool, flying back to dublin for a while and then heading off to australia. Even tho we dont get along pretty well, i still know im gonna miss her. It will be the first christmas morning that the whole family hasnt gathered at mom and dads house for all the presents.
I dont own many pics with me and my bigsis, but isnt this a lovely family one. My sis is in the right corner showing her beautiful finger to me and my hubby. |
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